Great article on the new show Extreme Couponing. I was going to write a blog on this, but this article really sums it up pretty well so I thought I would share it instead. What are your thoughts on this? When is the line drawn from saving money to an addiction? Please click on the link below to check out the story and then let me know how you feel!
Extreme Couponing: When Saving Money Goes Too Far
I have to say I agree with a lot of points this blogger had! I agree the first lady is for sure a hoarder as are most people on this show! I do believe in stockpiling items if I have the given amount of space. I am not willing to let it over take my home and my peace (I have kids and toys for that!). The 2nd couponer I think is probably the one I would relate most to I don't want to be remembered by my stockpile but I do want my kids to be able to go off to college and and be able to shop for themselves and afford to eat something besides raman noodles (unless by choice lol), however this blogger didn't even mention that! While I agree the people on this show are "Extreme" (hence the name Extreme Couponing) I do try to weed out the good from the bad and learn to apply it to my families life! Yes, if I found 40 boxes of pasta for free if there was a large quantity on the shelf where I could take and there still be plenty left I would because we eat a lot of Pasta in a lot of different forms of meals! Yes, sales do have there cycles but that is not always saying the sale, coupon, double or triple cycle will all a line up at the same time (think of it as planets in the solar system lol) so if it is something you use very often I say be curtious but have at it! I know for me my stock pile items are shredded cheese, pasta, spagetti sauce, milk & and honey mustard (it is the other ketchup in our house). I am a stay at home Mommy very blessed by God to be able to do so and if I can put 10 hours max in to save my family hundreds of dollars I will because never have I had the feeling of security that I do now it's amazing what a bulging pantry can do for your peace of mind! I'm sorry but I DO NOT have $700 for groceries EVER that is nearly a house payment and for a lot of people probably is! My budget is a much smaller $125 for groceries and $50 personal every 2 weeks and this includes everything food as well as dog food, wipes, diapers, and all hygien items! So if I can save and work at doing it I will and if you are only saving $30 you are not trying very hard (discount card from the store can save you that much) then again with a budget that large it's okay you don't have to! So with all that said I agree with some and have my own view points on others! I say do as best as you can for you and your family!